Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Taking Risks...

Divine Challenger,
when did I stop risking?
When did I lose my edge
for adventure and surprise?
When did I start pretending
that what I now know
is all there is to know?
When did I give in to fear
and bow to security?

When did I let uncertainty
press against my free spirit?
When did I start moving
toward the easy, sure thing?
When did I give away
my ability to be disturbed?
When did I start refusing
to pay the price
for fuller depth and joy?
When did I let panic
of the unknown future
wrap its barbed wire fingers
around my desire to grow?

Inner Source of Courage,
nudge me toward my growth.
Urge me away from my strongholds.
Convince me of my potential
to leap beyond the barriers.

"And if anyone longs for wide experience,
she knows the things of old, and infers the things to come."
Wisdom 8:8

The above prayer is taken from "Prayers to Sophia" by Joyce Rupp

Journal Applications..........

What are the challenges and obstacles in your life at this time?

Who and what encourages you to face your fears and take risks? How?

Who and what holds you back from taking risks...who are the border bullies?

How willing are you to let go of your security blankets in order to grow?

I love this prayer about taking risks! I find it challenging and it's making me search my heart for the answers. Giving way to our fears always holds us back and God has so much more for us, doesn't He? I'd love to hear some of your thoughts and reflections on this piece. Let's chat about it...shall we?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

NEW YEAR...........NEW DAY

"We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, and cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives-- not looking for flaws but for potential." Ellen Goodman

Isn't this a thought provoking statement? Does it sound familiar to the way you start out a new year? I don't have a problem looking at the past because I believe we can learn valuable lessons for the future, we can see patterns of thought and behavior that weren't healthy or live giving, and most importantly we can remember the blessings and favor that God showered upon us. The trap can be when we focus on the flaws, cracks, weaknesses and failures thus becoming discouraged and feeling helpless. This is not God's plan for us this New Year. I believe He wants all of us to engage in our present lives whatever the circumstances........Thank Him, worship Him, serve Him, and most importantly seek Him knowing that with Him all things are possible and He will bring about the best for our lives. So often, it's a matter of timing and waiting on Him. I want this year to be a year of Unbelievable Belief in a miracle working God who has awesome plans for my future and who has invited me to come follow Him. How about you? Are you game? Let's do it together.
"Let your eyes look straight ahead.
Fix your gaze directly before you." Pr 4:25

"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it."
Anne De Lencios