Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrows; it empties today of strength."
Corrie ten Boom

In the darkest moments of our midnight hour it is sometimes difficult to believe that God is there. All too often we feel alone, deserted, forsaken and abandoned in our time of trial. Everywhere we turn we see trouble magnified and feel that blessing is minimized. We ask where God is-- why doesn't He answer--why doesn't He come to our rescue? We are feeling out of control and giving in to panic and unbelief. Is that where you find yourself today? Are you searching and seeking God in your time of distress? Well--be encouraged because He cares for you and tells you to cast your burdens on him and he will come to you. We know that our seasons of trial and suffering strengthen us in our faith and shape our character after Christ. Sometimes God will remove the trial but many times He simply walks with us through the storm giving us grace that is sufficient for the day. Life can be tough but God's promises are tougher and we can rely on Him because He is faithful. Be encouraged by some of these promises from His Word:

Nahum 1:7 "He cares for those who trust in him."
Ps.145:18 "He is near to all who call on him"
Jer.33:3 "Come to me, and I will answer you."
1 Pe 5:7 "Cast your cares on the Lord."
Ps.41:1 "The Lord delivers him in times of trouble."
Ps.40:2 " He lifted me out of the slimy pit,out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
he put a new song in my mouth."

Now, don't those verses give you hope and expectation? Put your trust in him and he will strengthen you; he will answer you; he will deliver you from all your fears and put a new song in your mouth- a hymn of praise to our God. He is faithful and true!

Action Steps:
Pray these scriptures every day till you get your blessing
Seek the Lord in prayer every day
Speak to someone you trust and ask for their prayer, support and godly counsel
Speak positive words of faith and hope into your circumstances
Refuse to let the enemy put you down
Rise up in the mighty power of your God

Lord, you are worthy of praise and honor. Forgive me for the times I have taken my eyes off you. You are worthy of my full attention and complete trust. There is none like You. Teach me to better focus on your greatness and majesty so that I might have an eternal perspective in my time of trial. Faith is believing that you are exactly who you say you are. Increase my faith, Lord!

Monday, March 15, 2010


"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Heb.12:1

Have you ever been at a point in your life when you were so tired, frustrated and discouraged that you just wanted to lay it all down and quit! You say- "Enough is enough- I'm through. I give up." I think if we're honest with ourselves many of us would have to confess that we've been there at one time or another.

Do you remember the story of how the prophet Elijah struggled with this very thing. He had just experienced the amazing and incredible power of God on Mount Carmel and then immediately afterward was running for his life. Elijah was afraid of the death threats from Jezebel and so retreated to the desert. He sat down under a broom tree and prayed that he might die. He said, "I have had enough, Lord, take my life."(1 Kings 19:4) We know that God sent his angel to minister to him and prepare him for the journey to Mount Horeb. When he arrived there he spent the night in a cave. "The word of the Lord came to him: Elijah, what are you doing here?" Elijah told God how zealous he was for him but felt alone and afraid. God told him to stand on the mountain because the presence of the Lord was going to pass. God wasn't in the earthquake nor was he in the fire...........He was in the gentle whisper.

At Elijah's darkest hour God came to him and he will do the same for us. Yes- sometimes we feel alone, rejected, empty, helpless and want to throw in the towel. We tell God how faithful we are and all the good things we are doing. We question WHY these things are happening in our lives.
We ask him where he is with all his miracles and power. We forget that God will not always show up in a flashy- clanging symbol way...but in the still small voice. He does not abandon or forsake us in our trials. He wants us to rely on him and to trust him completely. He does not want us to sit down under our oak, elm, or maple tree and give up. No....he wants us to get up and get moving. As we walk in faith and perseverance, all the grace we need will be given us and more.
Let's take to heart his words, " My grace is sufficient for you. for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor.12:9


* Pray and ask God for strength to persevere
* Get in the word of God and find 3 specific scriptures to help you--
write them on 3 by 5 index cards and read them often out loud
* Find a trusted friend or mentor to pray for you and guide you
* Tell the enemy to "get lost" and reclaim your power in Christ
* Believe that you are close to victory so...........don't quit no matter what
* Believe that you CAN DO all things in Christ who strengthens you--Hallelujah!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Have you ever thought about yourself as a peacemaker? If we're honest with ourselves, there are probably times we encounter people or circumstances that make us raise a flag that does not represent peace. That's because we live in a world that deals with rivalry, conflict, competition, greed, and jealousy. Yet the word of God calls us to peace. Ps.34:14 "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."
So what is this peace that we are to pursue? The dictionary calls it concord, harmony, agreement, reconciliation, and tranquility. The word of God says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matt.5:9
As we look at this verse we need to consider 3 types of people:

#1 Peacebreakers...........they go out of their way to cause trouble and division; conflict and disagreements. Their motivation is self-centeredness and they can be very manipulative. One of the biggest ways to be a peacebreaker is with your tongue- spreading gossip, rumors, and slander.

#2 Peacekeepers.....they prefer peace over truth. They can't deal with conflict and discord. Therefore they will settle for a fake or surface peace rather than deal with the hard issues. Their motto: peace at any cost!

#3 Peacemakers......they are prepared to tell the truth and trust God for the outcome in order to have a peace that is worthwhile, genuine and lasting. They want real peace by resolving the cause of the conflict. They are prepared to put others' well-being above their own. They are motivated out of love. This is the kind of peace Jesus demonstrated in his life and ministry.

My question to you and myself is this:
Under which category do I fall? Am I a peacebreaker....peacekeeper....or peacemaker? Perhaps this week you'll choose to be a peacemaker in your home or at work or in your relationships. You can do this by:

humbling yourself (saying you're sorry)
confront falsehood with truth in a loving way
going out of your way to see the offender or offended...extend hand of peace
choosing your battles...........letting little things slide
spreading a spirit of harmony
being content with all that God has given you

Okay.........let's try it for a week! Let's see how many times we can be PEACEMAKERS!!!!!!! Let's pray for each other. Go for the GOLD IN PEACE!