Friday, September 24, 2010


"Barricade the road that goes NOWHERE.
Grace me with your clear revelation.
I choose the road to SOMEWHERE.
I post your road signs at every curve and corner.
I grasp and cling to whatever you tell me.
God, don't let me down.
I'll run the course you lay out for me
If you'll just show me how....

Ps.119:29-32 Message translation

I seem to always gravitate toward things
that talk about the road, the path, the journey,
the way, the footprints, the walk.
That's why I love this translation of psalm 119.
I would really want the Lord to barricade the road
that would take me nowhere or to a place that is
not in his plan for me. I implore him to show me
the road to where He is leading
me to walk with Him and to serve him on this earthly
journey. I do believe He has roads for all of us and
sometimes the road changes........I just want the grace
to read the signs and the obedience to start out and
then to finish the race. Perhaps some of you are
searching for the road to somewhere...or maybe
you are on the road to nowhere and don't know
how to get yourself turned around.
Well......there's one fail safe way and that is to
simply go to the Father and ask Him for a clear
road sign to lead you back. Believe me, He will
see your heart and he will lead you back. Just
like the Father in the story of the prodigal son...
He is waiting patiently for our return. It's never
too late to turn around.............

"All you have to do is look straight
and see the road and when you
see it, don't sit looking at it-
Walk." Ayn Rand

Let's walk together on the road marked
out for us.........Amen and Hallelujah!