Do you recognize this picture? It's from one of my favorite musicals-Singing in the Rain. Are you ready to sing a new song? Are you tired of the same-o, same-o in your life...same routine, same words, same actions, same diet, same mistakes, same attitudes? Are you feeling bogged down and languishing in the land of "what's the use?" If that's you today, I want to be the bearer of hope and encouragement. You do not have to remain where you are one minute longer. Why? Because God's Word brings life, hope and promise. Scripture says that these are not just empty words but they are our life.
The reason I'm drawn to this play-Singing in the Rain- is because of the great music, dance, drama and interplay among the characters. But even beyond that, it teaches me that I too can sing and dance in the rainy stormy times of my life because God is my hope and my strength and my song. Let's be honest-- anyone can sing in the sun when all is right in their world. That doesn't take much effort, does it? But to be able to sing in the rain and hold on to his Word and believe for a new song-well now that is "capitol." I want that in my wallet...I want that in my heart. Ps.30:5 says that weeping remains for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Take to heart these words.
If you are in a rainy season right now-- start singing or playing worship songs even if you don't feel like it. Eventually you may notice the beginning of a new song that is replacing the old.
If you are in a rainy season right now-- memorize Ps.40:3 and pray it over and over till it becomes a reality in your life.
If you are in a rainy season right now-- look around for a way that you might help or encourage someone less fortunate and in need.
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