Advent is one of my favorite seasons of the year. It is a time of waiting, expecting, and preparing for the coming of Christ. It is a time of wondering, hoping, seeking and longing for peace. It is a time to be light in the dark corners of this be still and know that He is God. But it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and commercial hype of Christmas that we forget the real meaning of the season. Have you found yourself being pulled in many different directions during this holiday time? Do you want a slight nudge from the Spirit...from the Word of God to help you refocus?
Isaiah 64:4 " For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him."
Is.30:18 " Blessed are all who wait for Him."
I pray these words may encourage all of us to fix our eyes on the coming of Christ. To wait for His coming by bringing light into the dark places of someone's life; by bringing peace and reconciliation into our relationships; by rekindling hope in those who have lost hope; by making crooked ways straight and by leading others to the heart of Christ by extending grace and kindness.
May He come afresh to each one of us during this sacred journey of Advent.
Let us wait in hope for the coming of our Lord.
Find one thing you can do to make this season about Jesus/ not Santa.
Find one thing you can do to make this season about giving/ not receiving.
Find one thing you can do to make this season about peace and reconciliation/ anger and unforgiveness.
Lord, teach us to wait on you. Draw us to yourself. Help us to put aside our busyness to spend some quiet time with you. Show us how to prepare the way for you in our own lives and in those we meet along the way. We wait, we hope, we long for you, O Lord. May you be praised and lifted high. Amen.
Hi Mary Kay! Your words flow with such peace. I can almost hear your soothing voice. Enjoyed the read! Thanks & love, Cindy
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