Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Speak Gently

by David Bates

Speak gently!—It is better far
To rule by love, than fear—
Speak gently—let not harsh words mar
The good we might do here!

Speak gently!—Love doth whisper low
The vows that true hearts bind;
And gently Friendship's accents flow;
Affection's voice is kind.

Speak gently to the little child!
Its love be sure to gain;
Teach it in accents soft and mild:—
It may not long remain.

Speak gently to the young, for they
Will have enough to bear—
Pass through this life as best they may,
'Tis full of anxious care!

Speak gently to the aged one,
Grieve not the care-worn heart;
The sands of life are nearly run,
Let such in peace depart!

Speak gently, kindly, to the poor;
Let no harsh tone be heard;
They have enough they must endure,
Without an unkind word!

Speak gently to the erring—know,
They may have toiled in vain;
Perchance unkindness made them so;
Oh, win them back again!

Speak gently!—He who gave his life
To bend man's stubborn will,
When elements were in fierce strife,
Said to them, "Peace, be still."

Speak gently!—'tis a little thing
Dropped in the heart's deep well;
The good, the joy, which it may bring,
Eternity shall tell.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009



Heaven's gift has come to man.
Mortal fate rests
Within tiny hallowed hands.
Shepherds singing, a shining star
Angels proclaiming,
Kings bearing gifts from afar.
A scene of serene glory,
The weight of a holy hush,
The meaning of heaven's story,
'Twas God's first Christmas gift to us.

Who would recall the power of that day,
At the time when He was led away
Bearing a crown,a robe, and fateful wounds?
Was He not the gift from heaven's womb?

Shall we turn from that holy day
And walk away unchanged?
Will we allow it to envelope our souls
Only to let it slowly slip away?

Through plastic, tinsel, parties and gifts,
Shopping, planning, and Christmas lights lit,
Can the simple gift be heard or seen,
Or does it quietly fade behind holiday sheen?

Let us not forget that He loves us so.
He loves us too much to let us go.
He sent a plan with His sacrifice
To forgive and cleanse and give us life.

Embrace the greatest gift of all;
Don't let your sense of the manger wane.
The gift of heaven is yours to receive.
It was the true reason He came.

by Sandra A. Popp

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Advent...A Time of Waiting

Advent is one of my favorite seasons of the year. It is a time of waiting, expecting, and preparing for the coming of Christ. It is a time of wondering, hoping, seeking and longing for peace. It is a time to be light in the dark corners of this world...to be still and know that He is God. But it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and commercial hype of Christmas that we forget the real meaning of the season. Have you found yourself being pulled in many different directions during this holiday time? Do you want a slight nudge from the Spirit...from the Word of God to help you refocus?
Isaiah 64:4 " For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him."
Is.30:18 " Blessed are all who wait for Him."

I pray these words may encourage all of us to fix our eyes on the coming of Christ. To wait for His coming by bringing light into the dark places of someone's life; by bringing peace and reconciliation into our relationships; by rekindling hope in those who have lost hope; by making crooked ways straight and by leading others to the heart of Christ by extending grace and kindness.

May He come afresh to each one of us during this sacred journey of Advent.
Let us wait in hope for the coming of our Lord.

Find one thing you can do to make this season about Jesus/ not Santa.
Find one thing you can do to make this season about giving/ not receiving.
Find one thing you can do to make this season about peace and reconciliation/ anger and unforgiveness.

Lord, teach us to wait on you. Draw us to yourself. Help us to put aside our busyness to spend some quiet time with you. Show us how to prepare the way for you in our own lives and in those we meet along the way. We wait, we hope, we long for you, O Lord. May you be praised and lifted high. Amen.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


This is a devotional I shared at our Writer's Retreat in the Poconos. Somehow, this theme always seems relevant at some point in our lives. Let's begin with the scripture from Jer.6:16  "Stand at the crossroads and look: Ask for the ancient paths; Ask where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls."    This verse reminds me of one of my favorite poems written by Robert Frost..."The Road Not Taken"  He says "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference."  What about you? Have you ever found yourself standing at a crossroads and pondering which path to take? Up to that point you may have felt fairly confident- finding your way- thinking all is well. But now a little nagging doubt creeps in. The question arises: Should I stay on my planned course or am I here at this crossroads for a reason?  That's a very powerful question that many of us have had to ask ourselves at turning points in our lives. Sometimes going off in a new direction is a great pick-me-upper if you're in a rut and routine. Other times we veer off course-waste our time and energy and get seriously lost. Other times we speed up to life's crossroads because of restlessness caused by dissatisfaction with our present circumstances...job, marriage, relationships, health issues etc. Whenever we are at this point it is best to wait upon the Lord... It's hard not to run ahead of God but these decisions need serious prayer, listening to the Holy Spirit and times of deep introspection.
 Sometimes we're at a fork in the road not of our own choosing. We may be laid off work; experience the death of a loved one; betrayal of a friend; divorce or sudden illness. In those cases, we're forced to wander down uncharted paths. The answer is to remain before God..."Be still and know that I am God." Ps.46:10  Be purposeful and reflective, not reactive and compulsive.
  So the question I'm asking you today is this: Where are you now at this point in your life?  Are you at a crossroads? If so... which direction, which road will you follow? Is it the road where God is leading you? What decisions and changes will need to be made in order to walk down that path? How will your decisions affect others in your life?   All of these are powerful, soul-searching questions that need to be asked. As you stand at this crossroad listen to the words of Isaiah 30:21-22   Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."   Recall all the times in the past when God led you on the right path... believe that He will make a way even when there seems to be no way.  He is a faithful and loving God. This may be a time of New Beginnings for you or it may be a time of waiting and being still. Whatever path you choose...remember that you are not alone because His presence is with you and will go before you. Maybe this path will make all the difference. God be praised.

A New Song


Do you recognize this picture? It's from one of my favorite musicals-Singing in the Rain.  Are you ready to sing a new song? Are you tired of the same-o, same-o in your life...same routine, same words, same actions, same diet, same mistakes, same attitudes? Are you feeling bogged down and languishing in the land of "what's the use?" If that's you today, I want to be the bearer of hope and encouragement. You do not have to remain where you are one minute longer. Why? Because God's Word brings life, hope and promise. Scripture says that these are not just empty words but they are our life.
 The reason I'm drawn to this play-Singing in the Rain- is because of the great music, dance, drama and interplay among the characters. But even beyond that, it teaches me that I too can sing and dance in the rainy stormy times of my life because God is my hope and my strength and my song. Let's be honest-- anyone can sing in the sun when all is right in their world. That doesn't take much effort, does it? But to be able to sing in the rain and hold on to his Word and believe for a new song-well now that is "capitol." I want that in my wallet...I want that in my heart. Ps.30:5 says that weeping remains for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."  Take to heart these words.
If you are in a rainy season right now-- start singing or playing worship songs even if you don't feel like it. Eventually you may notice the beginning of a new song that is replacing the old.
If you are in a rainy season right now-- memorize Ps.40:3 and pray it over and over till it becomes a reality in your life.
If you are in a rainy season right now-- look around for a way that you might help or encourage someone less fortunate and in need.

FIND YOUR FIT..............

Dear Friends, 
Here we are at the beginning of another year. Don’t you wonder how we got here? It seems like the years go whizzing by at an astounding speed. I’ve always loved the New Year because it offers a fresh start, a new beginning, new goals, God surprises, challenges and an opportunity to reflect on the past year and offer thanks and gratitude to our all faithful God. How about you? What beckons you as this New Year begins?What and where do you need inspiration in your life right now?Inspiration literally means “drawing in of breath”; it refers to divine influence understanding that the breath of God is needed for us to live, to be enlivened, energized, motivated, enthused and encouraged. 
Well, the other day, I got “inspired” while waiting in line at the bank. As I was standing there, I noticed a flier that immediately caught my attention. It said, “Find Your Fit.”  Well, my mind started racing as I realized there was a message here for me and perhaps for you too. Allow me to graciously share the thoughts that flowed from my pen today.  FIND YOUR FIT!  Isn’t that what a New Year is all about? Have you ever noticed in your normal, ordinary, sometimes hectic or humdrum life, how important finding the right fit can become? 
  • We all want to “fit in” whether it’s at work, school, sports arena,neighborhood, social event, or church. We don’t want to stick out or seem out of place. We want to blend right in like we belong. 

  • When we give ourselves the leisure of a shopping spree at the mall we look for the “right fit” in clothes, shoes, jewelry, and even purses. We want to be sure it isn’t too tight or too loose; that it’s the right color, size, shape and form. It even has to fit our personality, style, and age.
  • I’ve spoken with many people who are looking for the “right fit” in church. One that resonates with their doctrine, beliefs and values, preaching, teaching, programs, pastoral leadership and friendliness.
  • I’ve also spent years trying to find my “right fit” with bibles. I love exploring all the different translations and using them in various preaching and teaching venues. But I finally found the one that just fits my soul…speaks to my heart…and stirs me deeply. That’s the one I always come back to…because it’s the right fit.
  • I think you would all agree that we search out the “right fit” in our friends and relationships. A fit that is godly, uplifting, positive, energizing, and mutually encouraging.
  • In the best of circumstances, we would want to find the “right fit” in our jobs and careers. How blessed to be able to use our gifts, talents, skills and abilities in an area that we find fulfillment , passion, and an ability to make a difference in our world. Wow!
  • Let me ask you one final question: How’s your fit with God now as we begin this New Year?  Is it loose, moderate, or tight? Circle the one that fits where you are.  Are you happy with your circled one?
Well, dear friends, let me encourage you in the Lord. Lam.3:22 -23 says…”his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is his faithfulness.” And James 4:8 “ Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” This is a New Day- a New Year- and a New You!Our loving Father wants a “tight” and intimate relationship with each one of us and I can guarantee that is the Perfect Fit. Walk into God’s bank which is freely dispensing grace and blessing for this New Year of 2009.  He wants your full deposit. Then you can watch life, abundance, and multiplication flow into every area of your life. Wherever you need a right fit in your life, believe that if the God fit is right then everything will fall into place. Trust in Him, be patient and wait for his timing.  I pray for each and every one of you to be blessed beyond all imaginings as you step into this New Year. Go for it…FIND YOUR FIT!!!   Feel free to email me to chat about your “fit” with God, your times of quiet and solitude, your searching for the right fit in any of the areas mentioned above. It’s been great!
In His Love,