Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter poems

As today is the first official day of winter, I'd like to share just a poem or two that will usher you into the spirit of this season. Our winter wonderland is a glorious backdrop for these musings and reflections..........

Silent Solstice (Winter Becomes Maine)

sleet against the windowpane,
or maybe a mouse in the wall...

I listen...
but silence knows no direction

heavy pine boughs,
deep in the woods
so quiet, so still
a deer steps...

inside, warm,
the sound of a cat's paw
disturbs very little
as it hunts in a dream
silent as sleet

by Denis Dunn

Let Every Day Be Christmas

Christmas is forever,
not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving
are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel,
in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others
is good you do yourself.

--Norman W. Brooks

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Ps.37:4

The other day as I was gazing on the winter wonderland outside my window, I gave myself over to a period of quiet thought and reflection about dreams, wishes and desires.
I love Ps. 63 where it talks about being hungry, thirsty and satisfied by God. How many times I seek to be filled with other things or relationships when I know deep down in my soul that He is the giver of Life and Love and of all good things. He is the One and Only in my life who is constant and faithful and true--He is the only one who can fill me up to overflowing.

That being said, I recently saw a movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called "The Bucket List." It portrays the story of 2 men who were diagnosed with terminal cancer and so they decide to make a bucket list of all the things they wanted to do before "kicking the bucket." Honestly, I loved this movie...it moved me to belly aching laughter and to copious tears and reminded me that this is life!

Do you have a bucket list? What are some of the things you'd like to do before you die?
As we are entering into this sacred season of Christ's birth and the drum roll on the year 2010-- what bucket list could you create for the year 2011? What's knocking on the door of your heart? What things have you wanted to do but simply put off till a later date--for no reason at all. Actually, I'm a firm believer that if there's really something you are passionate about, you will find a way to make it happen.

Make a bucket list of 5 things you'd like to do or accomplish or see in the year 2011.
Have fun with it. Draw a bucket if you like and write your desires all over it... or buy a bucket and put your lists inside it...whatever you do, have fun! Allow yourself to dream. As Christians, we know someone who has the power to make our dreams come true because with our God "all things are possible." Matt.19:26 If you're up to it and brave enough--share it with a friend and ask that person to keep you accountable in a friendly sort of way.

Here's your start: My____________bucket list for 2011.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I love the smell and feel of Autumn
I love the subtle crispness in the air as August announces the coming of Fall
I love the glorious array of color splashed over our streets that renders me
speechless ( and that's quite a feat in itself).
I love the majestic splendor of each and every tree as they display their own
shape and form and personality
I love the rustle of leaves beneath my feet
I love trying to find a golf ball landing in a bundle of leaves
I love the scurrying of animals as they gather nuts for the winter
I love the squirrels trying to get seed from my birdfeeder
I love football--high school; college; and NFL
I love the bands and the fans
I love the commentators
I love the excitement of the crowds and the cheering for their teams
I love the smell of bonfires and the roasting of marshmellows and smores
I love prayers whispered under the stars
I love the beginning of school after the summer break
I love seeing parents stand with their children as they wait for the school bus
I love our women's bible study getting back together
I love harvest celebrations and collecting for food pantries
I love putting on my warm colored jacket given to me by my husband
I love walking under a shower of falling leaves with my 2 dogs
I love the anticipation of Thanksgiving
I love Hallmark movies
I love being with my family on Thanksgiving Day
I love the parade
I love turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie
I love everything and more about Autumn
I love most of all --GIVING THANKS TO GOD

How about you?
What do you love about Autumn?
What will you thank God for this year?
What traditions do you most cherish?

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 2 Thess.5:16-18

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You are His Delight

"The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord.
He delights in every detail of
their lives." Ps. 37:23

So many times, more than I'd like to admit, I encounter women who walk around with a smile plastered on their face but secretly wearing a cloak of shame and worthlessness. It makes me want to reach out and hug them and tell them the good news again...yes, again. God loves you above and beyond anything you could ask or imagine........He is a forgiving God and doesn't hold you at arms length because of something you've done in your past. He calls you to draw near ...to seek Him with all your heart. From childhood you've heard that God loves you but do you really believe it? For many of us it's just head knowledge and hasn't penetrated to the heart. Perhaps you haven't experienced that unconditional love from your family, friends, or even church and so you continue to bear that shame and negative self-esteem. I often wonder if we know how much power we've been given by the Holy Spirit living within us? We can unleash it and free someone from their state of captivity. Love shows itself in action--isn't that what we've been told? So what's stopping me from giving a word of affirmation or encouragement to someone? What's stopping me from offering help to someone in need? What's stopping me from offering forgiveness to someone who's hurt me? What's stopping me from listening with compassion rather than judgment? What's stopping me from speaking words of life and hope into the heart of another woman? The answer is--NOTHING! So will you accept the challenge to choose to make a difference in someone's life today? Will you make that postponed phone call; will you write that note of encouragement; will you say "I forgive you", will you speak words of hope to someone who needs it? Will you help someone take off the mantle of shame and put on the robe of righteousness in Christ? I hope today will be a day of Grace...received and given away to another.
I'm eager, hopeful, expectant at what God will reveal to me and to you.
Get ready......take up your position.........move forward in Jesus name!

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zeph.3:17

Friday, September 24, 2010


"Barricade the road that goes NOWHERE.
Grace me with your clear revelation.
I choose the road to SOMEWHERE.
I post your road signs at every curve and corner.
I grasp and cling to whatever you tell me.
God, don't let me down.
I'll run the course you lay out for me
If you'll just show me how....

Ps.119:29-32 Message translation

I seem to always gravitate toward things
that talk about the road, the path, the journey,
the way, the footprints, the walk.
That's why I love this translation of psalm 119.
I would really want the Lord to barricade the road
that would take me nowhere or to a place that is
not in his plan for me. I implore him to show me
the road to SOMEWHERE...to where He is leading
me to walk with Him and to serve him on this earthly
journey. I do believe He has roads for all of us and
sometimes the road changes........I just want the grace
to read the signs and the obedience to start out and
then to finish the race. Perhaps some of you are
searching for the road to somewhere...or maybe
you are on the road to nowhere and don't know
how to get yourself turned around.
Well......there's one fail safe way and that is to
simply go to the Father and ask Him for a clear
road sign to lead you back. Believe me, He will
see your heart and he will lead you back. Just
like the Father in the story of the prodigal son...
He is waiting patiently for our return. It's never
too late to turn around.............

"All you have to do is look straight
and see the road and when you
see it, don't sit looking at it-
Walk." Ayn Rand

Let's walk together on the road marked
out for us.........Amen and Hallelujah!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Writing Essays

"Many people succeed when others do not believe in them.
But rarely does a person succeed when he does not believe in himself."
--Herb True

This past weekend, I had the privilege of attending Skyline Writer's Conference in Peninsula, Ohio. Once again they presented an amazing variety of speakers who addressed a potpourri of topics in the field of writing. It's also a great source of encouragement and motivation to meet and speak with other writers from different backgrounds and levels of experience.

My one big take away was a sentence from John Ettore:
"Don't FIND time to write. MAKE time to write."

One of my favorite sessions was Essay Writing by Nancy Christie, author of the inspirational book,
"The Gifts of Change."
Now one might think this topic would be boring, reminiscing on high school composition classes, but on the contrary this talk was stimulating and motivating. Allow me to relay just a few points she shared that might help you get started in writing a vibrant essay.

The most important thing is to choose a topic or theme. This can come from a variety of sources such as life experiences, movies, newspapers, emotions, beliefs and values, anecdotes, or life experiences. Then be sure there is a universal truth......not one that you will outright tell them but that they will discover for themselves as they read and reflect on your article.

Remember 3 parts of the structure for a good essay:

#1 Introduction........
this is the lead or hook to bring the reader in. It could be a story, dialog, universal truth, joke, video from youtube etc.

#2 Body......this includes what the essay is about. What is it you realize? What is the universal truth? What are the connections? What is the take away? This is where you develop and flesh out your message.

#3 Conclusion.........come back around again. Tie things up nicely.

Now, you begin! Don't worry about perfection because part of a writer's life is rewriting and editing. Just write and learn to enjoy the experience. I believe writing is like piano practice....the more you write, the better you become. It's the old axiom: "Practice makes perfect."

  • Write about a recent vacation that changed your life
  • Write about a struggle that taught you an amazing lesson
  • Write about a funny incident from your childhood
  • Write about a job that you desperately wanted but didn't get
  • Write about the value of friendships
  • Write about a snowy night
  • Write about a new career path
  • Write about the birth of your first child
  • Write about something that is your passion

"Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending."
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Thursday, August 5, 2010


" The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not to react."
-- Gloria Anzaldua

Previously I shared some writing tools and prompts to help you get into a daily writing routine. I know it was a challenge and I hope that many of you were able to stick with it and move through it. Accepting a challenge and reaching a goal gives one a sense of wonder and accomplishment. How great is it to say to yourself, " I did it!" Wow!

Today I'd like to encourage you to write about Moving On...
Think about your life and your present circumstances:
  • Where are you stuck?
  • Where do you need to go?
  • What do you need to leave behind?
  • How will you move on?
This is a wonderful exercise for free flow writing.
Set a timer for 10 min. for each question.
Pick up your pen and start writing.
Do not stop or lift up your pen.
Don't worry about grammar.
Don't even think about what you are writing...just write.

When you are finished with all four questions, read your writing out loud.
Celebrate what you have written.
At another time you can rewrite this exercise in a clear organized fashion using good grammar, punctuation, and creativity.

This exercise will prove to be enlightening, motivating, and energizing.
This may be a catalyst to help you make some major or minor changes in your life or to help you move forward to reach your dreams and goals.


"It is good to have an end to journey forward;
but it is the JOURNEY that matters in the end."
--Ursula K Leguin

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


" I'm one of those people that believes you should start writing
before you think you're ready."-- Joseph Ellis

Well, here we are at the Writer's Corner again--Welcome in!
I hope you've had time to experiment with a few of the ideas I've passed on to you so far. They were simple, straightforward and very do-able. Today, I want to look at some writer's tools, environment, and space.

Writing is a blessing to your pocket book because you don't need a lot of expensive things to get started.......Look at this list:
Several pencils or pens
A simple spiral notebook or pad of notebook paper
A small notebook for purse or pocket
A desire to write

Some people like to write in bed upon awakening
Some people have a comfortable chair or sofa that suits them just fine
Others need to be upright in a chair at their desk or computer
Others may like to sit by a tree, on a porch swing, by the water
Find what feels right for you and gives you the most incentive to write

Some writers pick up the pen first thing in their morning before the day begins
Some writers set a time during their day
Others set blocks of time during their week where they can be undisturbed
Some write in the evening when all is quiet and serene
Some write on the spot-- anytime, anywhere, anyway

This all sounds and looks easy, doesn't it?
The biggest challenge for the writer is to JUST WRITE.....PERIOD!!!!
No excuses, no procrastinating, no negotiating............JUST DO IT!

Every day this week (7 days) I challenge you to write for at least 15 minutes.
Just write.............set your timer and don't stop till it dings
Find the right notebook and pen or pencil and give it a GO
What do you have to lose? You may be surprised to discover you want to keep on going............but if you're serious about writing....you can find 15 min. to get started

There's nothing more exciting for a writer than to find YOUR VOICE--
It's your turn! Begin your session by saying: My name is ______________and I'm a writer. Be relaxed and enjoy it!


  • Write about a ceremony
  • Write about a present
  • Write about a person who had great impact on your life
  • Write about a day on the beach
  • Write about a childhood memory
  • Write about your favorite sport
  • Write about graduation
  • Write about a time of tears
  • Write about a time of fun and abandon
  • Write about a friendship
  • Write about your passion
  • Write about a dream or longing
  • Write about a time of testing

AS AN ACT OF COURAGE." -- Cynthia Ozick

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Writers and Poets from Ireland

"There is none to tell the rich to go on striving, for a rich man makes the law that hallows and hollows his own life." -- Sean O'Casey

I've just returned from a graced journey through the beautiful Emerald Isle of Ireland!
This is the place where I can trace all my family roots on both sides with names like Dunn, Gorman, Roche, Cronin, Gallagher, Reidy and more. This was a milestone journey for me and a gift of immeasurable worth from our good God. I was amazed at how many writers and poets hail from this great land. To name a few: James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Patrick Kavanagh, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett, Jonathan Swift, and William Butler Yeats. As I was browsing through a book store one day, I came upon a poetry book of Patrick Kavanagh's that caught my attention. There was one particular poem in there that stirred my soul and I got out my notebook and copied it then and there. Let me share this beautiful poem with you now.


Child, do not go
into the dark places of soul.
For there the gray wolves whine,
the lean gray wolves.

I have been down
among the unholy ones who tear
beauty's white robe and clothe her
in rags of prayer

Child, there is light somewhere
under a star
Sometime it will be for you
a window that looks
inward to God.

--Patrick Kavanagh

There is so much pause for reflection and meditation in this poem.
It speaks of real life with darkness and light, struggles and triumphs,
and encouraging words that we can speak into another's life. Here
are a few thoughts you might want to consider for some journaling.

Journal exercise:

Have you ever been in a dark place of the soul?
What were you feeling and experiencing in that place?
Where did you find your light?
Where was your window that looked inward to God?
If you are in that place now.............
Be still.........write out your thoughts and feelings in simple words from your heart!
Believe that God is there with you and will lead you to the light.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


"When I am writing I am doing the thing I was meant to do."
-- Anne Sexton

Last week I issued an invitation to write...to pick up your pen and let the words flow. I encouraged you to find your own true "voice" in the writing process. I gave you a Tip and some Prompts to begin the writing journey. Hopefully you were able to stretch yourself in the process. If you are faithful,
I believe you will discover beautiful and hidden treasures within yourself.

Today I want to give you another tip to encourage you and spur you forward in finding your own voice in the written word.

TIP #2
Keep on writing no matter what distractions may come your way.
Be steady and consistent.
Set a time of 15-30 minutes to write each day.(try setting a timer)
Write the date, time, and topic at the top of your page.
Begin to write from your prompt.
Don't stop, edit, rethink, or revise what you are writing.
Remember--this is just practice, practice, practice.
After you have finished, read your piece out loud.
You will be amazed and delighted at what comes forth in your writing.

Quote: "Writing is always a voyage of discovery."--Nadine Gordimer


1. Write about a time someone said yes.
2. Write about a time of small despair.
3. Write about a risk you've taken.
4. Write about a time you made a fool of yourself.
5. Write about a movie you've seen.

Be spirited and energized in your writing this week!
Maybe we'll meet on the page--

Marykay--fellow writer and companion on this incredible journey

Monday, April 26, 2010


"I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark." -- Henry David Thoreau

I consider myself a "newbie" in the world of writing. I feel like I'm in a huge mansion that is beautifully decorated and welcoming. But it seems like there are so many rooms with closed locked doors. I'm curious as to what lies behind each of those doors and I feel it will take me a lifetime to find out. I've been given a KEY to begin my exploration and discovery simply because I have the desire to walk out this adventure and grow as a writer. Would you like to join me? Perhaps you will find yourself shy-tentative-and unsure about this experience. But trust me-you are in good company because that's the way I started too. So just be yourself----- if you have even the tiniest desire to write...to find your own voice....to discover the song hidden in your heart...to reach for that long denied dream-then come along and enjoy our time together. I thought that I would begin at the beginning and share some things that will help you begin to write. I'll give you a quote worth pondering-- some tips for writing and some prompts for the week of practice. I'm hoping you'll become a follower and share some of your writing or comments with me. You see--writers need other writers. We need that friendship, fellowship, and feedback to enable us to keep on keeping on in the journey of writing that stretches before us. So let's begin:

QUOTE: "You can't sit around thinking. You have to sit around writing." --David Long

Just begin to write. Don't worry about grammar, rules, spelling, vocabulary, or sentence structure. Put your pen to paper...write about the Prompt that is given...set your timer for 10-15 minutes and just let the writing flow. Don't lift your pen from the page -don't stop to think- just write and be surprised at what opens up inside of you. In writing practice you are free to be--


  1. Write about something you lost
  2. Write about a secret place
  3. Write about a favorite vacation
  4. Write about a time you cried yourself to sleep
  5. Write about your best friend


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


"Everything in life that we really accept
undergoes a change." -Kathleen Mansfield

Accepting and blessing our circumstances is a powerful tool for living a transformed and Spirit-filled life. I read from one of my journals last week that "our circumstances don't get us down but our attitude about our circumstances gets us down." So what does it mean to accept our circumstances? Well, acceptance is surrendering to what is: our circumstances, our feelings, our trials, our visions and dreams, our health, our finances, and our relationships. You see, before we can change anything in our lives we have to acknowledge that this is the way it's meant to be right now. Someone once said that acceptance is a long sigh of the soul. This is the place where I need to trust God....period!

I'm Irish and I can be stubborn--I've noticed that in myself. At times when I've been discontent, I've noticed that I am resisting what is and what God is asking of me. When I finally- let go and release it to God- I'm flooded with an incredible peace. What I most resist turns out to be the area of greatest blessing and opportunity for me. Then I'm open to all the goodness and grace that God wants to pour into my life. Acceptance lights my path and broadens my perspective.

Whatever situation, trial, circumstance, or problem you are encountering in your life right now...may I suggest that you accept it and embrace it. Natalie Goldberg, one of my favorite authors, says "Cast a glance around and acknowledge what's going on. This is my tiny kitchen with the dirty floor, this is how much I weigh, this is my checking account balance, this is where I work right now. This is what is really happening in my life at the present moment.This is okay. This is real life."

So-today, at this time in your life, let go of the struggle. Accept what is so that you can begin the healing process of change and move forward in your life.
This is an amazing principle of Grace.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." Phil.4:12-13


Write in your journal the thing you are most resisting now in your life.
Write under that what you think God might be asking of you.
Write how you feel about it....be honest.
Write what your struggle is....
Write how that situation might look like if you would accept it and surrender it to God.

Write a prayer to God asking him for his help and grace to surrender to His will in your life knowing He has a purpose and a plan and your best interests at heart.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrows; it empties today of strength."
Corrie ten Boom

In the darkest moments of our midnight hour it is sometimes difficult to believe that God is there. All too often we feel alone, deserted, forsaken and abandoned in our time of trial. Everywhere we turn we see trouble magnified and feel that blessing is minimized. We ask where God is-- why doesn't He answer--why doesn't He come to our rescue? We are feeling out of control and giving in to panic and unbelief. Is that where you find yourself today? Are you searching and seeking God in your time of distress? Well--be encouraged because He cares for you and tells you to cast your burdens on him and he will come to you. We know that our seasons of trial and suffering strengthen us in our faith and shape our character after Christ. Sometimes God will remove the trial but many times He simply walks with us through the storm giving us grace that is sufficient for the day. Life can be tough but God's promises are tougher and we can rely on Him because He is faithful. Be encouraged by some of these promises from His Word:

Nahum 1:7 "He cares for those who trust in him."
Ps.145:18 "He is near to all who call on him"
Jer.33:3 "Come to me, and I will answer you."
1 Pe 5:7 "Cast your cares on the Lord."
Ps.41:1 "The Lord delivers him in times of trouble."
Ps.40:2 " He lifted me out of the slimy pit,out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
he put a new song in my mouth."

Now, don't those verses give you hope and expectation? Put your trust in him and he will strengthen you; he will answer you; he will deliver you from all your fears and put a new song in your mouth- a hymn of praise to our God. He is faithful and true!

Action Steps:
Pray these scriptures every day till you get your blessing
Seek the Lord in prayer every day
Speak to someone you trust and ask for their prayer, support and godly counsel
Speak positive words of faith and hope into your circumstances
Refuse to let the enemy put you down
Rise up in the mighty power of your God

Lord, you are worthy of praise and honor. Forgive me for the times I have taken my eyes off you. You are worthy of my full attention and complete trust. There is none like You. Teach me to better focus on your greatness and majesty so that I might have an eternal perspective in my time of trial. Faith is believing that you are exactly who you say you are. Increase my faith, Lord!

Monday, March 15, 2010


"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Heb.12:1

Have you ever been at a point in your life when you were so tired, frustrated and discouraged that you just wanted to lay it all down and quit! You say- "Enough is enough- I'm through. I give up." I think if we're honest with ourselves many of us would have to confess that we've been there at one time or another.

Do you remember the story of how the prophet Elijah struggled with this very thing. He had just experienced the amazing and incredible power of God on Mount Carmel and then immediately afterward was running for his life. Elijah was afraid of the death threats from Jezebel and so retreated to the desert. He sat down under a broom tree and prayed that he might die. He said, "I have had enough, Lord, take my life."(1 Kings 19:4) We know that God sent his angel to minister to him and prepare him for the journey to Mount Horeb. When he arrived there he spent the night in a cave. "The word of the Lord came to him: Elijah, what are you doing here?" Elijah told God how zealous he was for him but felt alone and afraid. God told him to stand on the mountain because the presence of the Lord was going to pass. God wasn't in the earthquake nor was he in the fire...........He was in the gentle whisper.

At Elijah's darkest hour God came to him and he will do the same for us. Yes- sometimes we feel alone, rejected, empty, helpless and want to throw in the towel. We tell God how faithful we are and all the good things we are doing. We question WHY these things are happening in our lives.
We ask him where he is with all his miracles and power. We forget that God will not always show up in a flashy- clanging symbol way...but in the still small voice. He does not abandon or forsake us in our trials. He wants us to rely on him and to trust him completely. He does not want us to sit down under our oak, elm, or maple tree and give up. No....he wants us to get up and get moving. As we walk in faith and perseverance, all the grace we need will be given us and more.
Let's take to heart his words, " My grace is sufficient for you. for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor.12:9


* Pray and ask God for strength to persevere
* Get in the word of God and find 3 specific scriptures to help you--
write them on 3 by 5 index cards and read them often out loud
* Find a trusted friend or mentor to pray for you and guide you
* Tell the enemy to "get lost" and reclaim your power in Christ
* Believe that you are close to victory so...........don't quit no matter what
* Believe that you CAN DO all things in Christ who strengthens you--Hallelujah!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Have you ever thought about yourself as a peacemaker? If we're honest with ourselves, there are probably times we encounter people or circumstances that make us raise a flag that does not represent peace. That's because we live in a world that deals with rivalry, conflict, competition, greed, and jealousy. Yet the word of God calls us to peace. Ps.34:14 "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."
So what is this peace that we are to pursue? The dictionary calls it concord, harmony, agreement, reconciliation, and tranquility. The word of God says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matt.5:9
As we look at this verse we need to consider 3 types of people:

#1 Peacebreakers...........they go out of their way to cause trouble and division; conflict and disagreements. Their motivation is self-centeredness and they can be very manipulative. One of the biggest ways to be a peacebreaker is with your tongue- spreading gossip, rumors, and slander.

#2 Peacekeepers.....they prefer peace over truth. They can't deal with conflict and discord. Therefore they will settle for a fake or surface peace rather than deal with the hard issues. Their motto: peace at any cost!

#3 Peacemakers......they are prepared to tell the truth and trust God for the outcome in order to have a peace that is worthwhile, genuine and lasting. They want real peace by resolving the cause of the conflict. They are prepared to put others' well-being above their own. They are motivated out of love. This is the kind of peace Jesus demonstrated in his life and ministry.

My question to you and myself is this:
Under which category do I fall? Am I a peacebreaker....peacekeeper....or peacemaker? Perhaps this week you'll choose to be a peacemaker in your home or at work or in your relationships. You can do this by:

humbling yourself (saying you're sorry)
confront falsehood with truth in a loving way
going out of your way to see the offender or offended...extend hand of peace
choosing your battles...........letting little things slide
spreading a spirit of harmony
being content with all that God has given you

Okay.........let's try it for a week! Let's see how many times we can be PEACEMAKERS!!!!!!! Let's pray for each other. Go for the GOLD IN PEACE!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


A few years ago a little book came out which had amazing success.
No one saw it coming- could never have predicted it's impact on the world because it was focused on a non-descript bible verse from
1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Yes, you guessed it...The Prayer of Jabez.
As I pondered this, I realized one of the reasons it was so successful was because it spoke to each one's spirit- that part of us that we don't readily share with others. The part that imagines dreams and possibilities that we think are out of reach--at least for us. This small book challenged us to believe that no matter what our circumstances, God can and will extend our tent pegs far beyond our greatest imaginings...if we only ask. Jesus affirmed this when he said in Matt.7:7 "Ask and you shall receive."

Gloria Steinem said, "Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning."

On the outskirts of our everyday lives- there are adventures waiting to be embarked on- nothing lies beyond our dreams.
Ps.37:4 says that God gives us the desires of our heart. So believe that the possibilities are endless.

A year and a half ago, Kathryn Bonner- a Life Coach and author from Austin, Texas asked me to partner with her in forming a group called Women of Passionate Purpose. This happened during my stay there for a 2 day Life Plan. I had expected my life to change as a result of that life plan but this was beyond my wildest imagination. It was evident that we both had a passionate love for women and desired to minister to them in their life purpose, spiritual growth, and Spirit-led walk. We hosted a writing retreat in Pennsylvania last September and from that group we invited women to join us in this God-anointed venture. Today we are an official corporation with 12 members totally committed to the dream and vision that God gave our founder.

Let me ask you this:
Has there been a dream or vision that God has laid on your heart?
Is there a desire you've harbored but thought to be out of reach for you?
Is there a path you've secretly wanted to follow?
What possibility would you like to explore?

"Everything is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23

"Dwell in Possibility." Emily Dickenson


Pray for discernment and counsel.
Identify a vision or longed for dream...write it down.
Look at all the possibilities this dream will offer.
Be joyful, hopeful, and full of expectation.
Write down at least 3 specific steps you can take to reach this goal
Find someone to share this with and hold you accountable.
Be courageous and go for your dreams.
Start today.......we're not sure of tomorrow.

Meditate on Hab.2:3
"Write down the revelation,
and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come,
and will not delay.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Taking Risks...

Divine Challenger,
when did I stop risking?
When did I lose my edge
for adventure and surprise?
When did I start pretending
that what I now know
is all there is to know?
When did I give in to fear
and bow to security?

When did I let uncertainty
press against my free spirit?
When did I start moving
toward the easy, sure thing?
When did I give away
my ability to be disturbed?
When did I start refusing
to pay the price
for fuller depth and joy?
When did I let panic
of the unknown future
wrap its barbed wire fingers
around my desire to grow?

Inner Source of Courage,
nudge me toward my growth.
Urge me away from my strongholds.
Convince me of my potential
to leap beyond the barriers.

"And if anyone longs for wide experience,
she knows the things of old, and infers the things to come."
Wisdom 8:8

The above prayer is taken from "Prayers to Sophia" by Joyce Rupp

Journal Applications..........

What are the challenges and obstacles in your life at this time?

Who and what encourages you to face your fears and take risks? How?

Who and what holds you back from taking risks...who are the border bullies?

How willing are you to let go of your security blankets in order to grow?

I love this prayer about taking risks! I find it challenging and it's making me search my heart for the answers. Giving way to our fears always holds us back and God has so much more for us, doesn't He? I'd love to hear some of your thoughts and reflections on this piece. Let's chat about it...shall we?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

NEW YEAR...........NEW DAY

"We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, and cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives-- not looking for flaws but for potential." Ellen Goodman

Isn't this a thought provoking statement? Does it sound familiar to the way you start out a new year? I don't have a problem looking at the past because I believe we can learn valuable lessons for the future, we can see patterns of thought and behavior that weren't healthy or live giving, and most importantly we can remember the blessings and favor that God showered upon us. The trap can be when we focus on the flaws, cracks, weaknesses and failures thus becoming discouraged and feeling helpless. This is not God's plan for us this New Year. I believe He wants all of us to engage in our present lives whatever the circumstances........Thank Him, worship Him, serve Him, and most importantly seek Him knowing that with Him all things are possible and He will bring about the best for our lives. So often, it's a matter of timing and waiting on Him. I want this year to be a year of Unbelievable Belief in a miracle working God who has awesome plans for my future and who has invited me to come follow Him. How about you? Are you game? Let's do it together.
"Let your eyes look straight ahead.
Fix your gaze directly before you." Pr 4:25

"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it."
Anne De Lencios