Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Have you ever thought about yourself as a peacemaker? If we're honest with ourselves, there are probably times we encounter people or circumstances that make us raise a flag that does not represent peace. That's because we live in a world that deals with rivalry, conflict, competition, greed, and jealousy. Yet the word of God calls us to peace. Ps.34:14 "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."
So what is this peace that we are to pursue? The dictionary calls it concord, harmony, agreement, reconciliation, and tranquility. The word of God says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matt.5:9
As we look at this verse we need to consider 3 types of people:

#1 Peacebreakers...........they go out of their way to cause trouble and division; conflict and disagreements. Their motivation is self-centeredness and they can be very manipulative. One of the biggest ways to be a peacebreaker is with your tongue- spreading gossip, rumors, and slander.

#2 Peacekeepers.....they prefer peace over truth. They can't deal with conflict and discord. Therefore they will settle for a fake or surface peace rather than deal with the hard issues. Their motto: peace at any cost!

#3 Peacemakers......they are prepared to tell the truth and trust God for the outcome in order to have a peace that is worthwhile, genuine and lasting. They want real peace by resolving the cause of the conflict. They are prepared to put others' well-being above their own. They are motivated out of love. This is the kind of peace Jesus demonstrated in his life and ministry.

My question to you and myself is this:
Under which category do I fall? Am I a peacebreaker....peacekeeper....or peacemaker? Perhaps this week you'll choose to be a peacemaker in your home or at work or in your relationships. You can do this by:

humbling yourself (saying you're sorry)
confront falsehood with truth in a loving way
going out of your way to see the offender or offended...extend hand of peace
choosing your battles...........letting little things slide
spreading a spirit of harmony
being content with all that God has given you

Okay.........let's try it for a week! Let's see how many times we can be PEACEMAKERS!!!!!!! Let's pray for each other. Go for the GOLD IN PEACE!


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