Tuesday, April 6, 2010


"Everything in life that we really accept
undergoes a change." -Kathleen Mansfield

Accepting and blessing our circumstances is a powerful tool for living a transformed and Spirit-filled life. I read from one of my journals last week that "our circumstances don't get us down but our attitude about our circumstances gets us down." So what does it mean to accept our circumstances? Well, acceptance is surrendering to what is: our circumstances, our feelings, our trials, our visions and dreams, our health, our finances, and our relationships. You see, before we can change anything in our lives we have to acknowledge that this is the way it's meant to be right now. Someone once said that acceptance is a long sigh of the soul. This is the place where I need to trust God....period!

I'm Irish and I can be stubborn--I've noticed that in myself. At times when I've been discontent, I've noticed that I am resisting what is and what God is asking of me. When I finally- let go and release it to God- I'm flooded with an incredible peace. What I most resist turns out to be the area of greatest blessing and opportunity for me. Then I'm open to all the goodness and grace that God wants to pour into my life. Acceptance lights my path and broadens my perspective.

Whatever situation, trial, circumstance, or problem you are encountering in your life right now...may I suggest that you accept it and embrace it. Natalie Goldberg, one of my favorite authors, says "Cast a glance around and acknowledge what's going on. This is my tiny kitchen with the dirty floor, this is how much I weigh, this is my checking account balance, this is where I work right now. This is what is really happening in my life at the present moment.This is okay. This is real life."

So-today, at this time in your life, let go of the struggle. Accept what is so that you can begin the healing process of change and move forward in your life.
This is an amazing principle of Grace.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." Phil.4:12-13


Write in your journal the thing you are most resisting now in your life.
Write under that what you think God might be asking of you.
Write how you feel about it....be honest.
Write what your struggle is....
Write how that situation might look like if you would accept it and surrender it to God.

Write a prayer to God asking him for his help and grace to surrender to His will in your life knowing He has a purpose and a plan and your best interests at heart.


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